Porting from DID to SIP:
Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time

Everything your business will want to consider when deciding how and when to port DID numbers to SIP trunks.
With the ubiquity of VoIP, unified communications, and SIP trunking, most organizations either have ported or are in the process of porting numbers from DID to SIP. For those not familiar with the term "porting," in this article, it refers to the process of moving DID phone numbers from the local central office they have been tied to for decades, allowing them to
move about freely and terminate in a centralized SIP gateway. DIDs, which were previously limited by geography, can be delivered over Ethernet circuits, allowing organizations more choice in selecting a service provider.
Allowing numbers to be delivered outside the confines of LATAs and LEC territories is revolutionary. As with any revolution, there can be substantial challenges with moving from the current state to the end state.